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Center for Combat Veteran Resiliency

The Center for Combat Veteran Resiliency is a multipurpose organization within the School of Psychology. It is organized into four components to include the following: Consultation, Education and Training, Applied Research and Clinical Services. The Combat Veterans Advanced Practicum Team offers counseling and psychological services to veterans and their families following deployment. This Advanced Team provides the clinical student with the opportunity to gain experience with individual, couple, family and group therapy, community psychoeducational seminars and disability evaluations for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) claims with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Social Security Administration.

Consultation includes psychological liaison with local and regional mental health agencies, substance abuse programs, psychiatric hospitals, Veterans Association (VA) medical centers, and local private practitioners. The education and training aspect of the program includes local civic groups or veterans’ organizations, as well as courses for professionals, agencies, and hospitals. Research projects are conducted by doctoral students in the Clinical Psychology Psy.D. program at FIT, and are aimed at helping to better understand and help veterans who are suffering from traumas, such as PTSD. Clinical activities include counseling services, support services, assistance with disability claims, psychoeducational classes, and support groups for spouses and children.

Dr. Richard T. Elmore, Ph.D., was granted the contract from the VA in order to provide these services to veterans in need. Dr. Elmore was a captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era, and has worked extensively with veterans in his psychological career. He works diligently with his team of graduate students to ensure that veterans in the area can get the services they need in order to overcome their trauma.