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Plan & Processes

Committee Membership

The voting membership of AASAC is comprised of division liaisons representing each university division.  The duties of the Division Liaisons are to:

  • Serve as a voting member of the AASAC committee;
  • Lead a divisional committee to review assessment plans and assessment results;
  • Serve as liaison to the division head, apprising them of issues and updates related to the assessment process;
  • Provide assistance and guidance to the administrative or academic support unit on assessment policies and procedures;
  • Provide timely communication of all AASAC policies, instructions, and deadlines to Department Coordinators and others as appropriate;
  • Serve as a resource, in conjunction with the committee, for departments in his or her division that requires assistance in the development of plans, analysis of collected data, documentation of assessment results, and navigation of the assessment management system;
  • Work with the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness to coordinate training for Department Coordinators and academic units;
  • Encourage assessment findings to be used to guide planning, budgeting, and improvement throughout the division.

The chair of the AASAC Committee is the Associate Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness or their designee.  The chair has the duty of calling the committee meetings, setting meeting agendas, and providing minutes from the committee meetings.  The chair will also serve as a key liaison to the Division Liaisons and to executive leadership.

The provost, director of academic assessment, and representatives from Institutional Research and Effectiveness and the accreditation liaison are ex officio, non-voting members

Non-Committee Key AASAC Assessment Roles

Department Coordinators

While not committee AASAC members, department coordinators are central to institutional effectiveness process.  Department Coordinators for an administrative or academic support department are appointed by the corresponding department head.  The Department Coordinators should be very familiar with the department to which they are assigned and have the ability to lead change in the department. 

The duties of a Department Coordinator are to:

  • enter departmental assessment plans in the assessment management program.
  • collect and coordinate assessment data from staff responsible for implementing assessment measures.
  • enter all findings, action plans, and answers to analysis questions in the assessment management system.
  • lead an annual department unit discussion about assessment data and results, comparing the results to those of prior years. The discussion should result in the development of Action Plans that seek to improve student learning/development or departmental effectiveness.

Assessment Plan Requirements

The minimum number of outcome statements per department is three.  For units with a strong learning component (Evans Library, Academic Support Center, etc.), at least one outcome must focus on student learning.  For units designated academic or student support units, the majority of the outcomes should focus on assessing the support provided to students.  The unit is encouraged to use multiple measures to assess an outcome where appropriate.  A university-wide student survey will be administered biennially for those who wish to use student survey feedback as one or more of their assessment measures.

Assessment Timeline






Assessment reports due

June 1

Review assessment findings, develop data-driven action plans, and re-align/request resources.


July 1 Resource Request Due


Develop any new objectives/measures



Collect data from measures





Analyze data and prepare assessment report      

Due June 1

DRC Divisional Summary       Due June 30th
AASAC End of Year Review       July 15th